Florida Panhandle Nurse Practitioner Coalition

Florida Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners and Controlled Substance Prescribing

Posted almost 8 years ago by Stanley F Whittaker

On behalf of our conference partners, Barkley & Associates, Inc., and Clinical Match Me, we are honored to invite you to participate in a historic controlled substance conference to be held in Tampa, Florida on Sunday, November 6th, 2016.

The long-awaited passage of 2016 Florida legislation allows nearly 20,000 nurse practitioners to be eligible to prescribe controlled substances starting January 2017. This nationally recognized event makes Florida the 50th state to expand prescribing privileges, which creates an unprecedented need for statewide education.

This important transition results in an immediate need for updated information and prescribing strategies after decades of being restricted from Phase II-V prescribing knowledge and advanced practice education programs. Although all nurse practitioners who wish to obtain DEA licensure must complete mandatory education in opioid prescribing, Schedule II-V prescribing requires further education. Our partner, Barkley and Associates, is one of the few nationally recognized and AANP-approved providers to offer comprehensive, evidence-based education in Schedule II-V medications.

Utilizing lectures, case study analyses, questions, and discussions, the goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for all Florida nurse practitioners to fill any gaps in controlled substance knowledge prior to DEA registration. Whether they are new to DEA prescribing or are in need of a refresher, conference attendees will have an opportunity to hone their skills and feel secure in their ability to safely and appropriately prescribe controlled substances.

In an effort to reduce the burden of time for busy nurse practitioners, this conference is scheduled on a weekend day, giving attendees more scheduling flexibility and providing sponsors a unique opportunity to reach more individuals.

We trust that you will find this timely conference highly beneficial to your practice and we congratulate each of you on achieving this important milestone in advance nursing practice!


Alicia (Ali) Craig-Rodriguez, DNP, MBA, ARNP, FNP-BC
Conference Chair
Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners

For more information please go to: http://www.npcourses.com/flconference or WWW. FLANP.ORG